Dissemination and Promotion

Promoting your work is an important part of the post-publication process, which determines the visibility and citation of your article and the journal as a whole. The journal's editorial team will contribute to the dissemination of your research work through open access publication of your article on the journal's website, indexing of the journal's content in scientific databases, informing the scientific community about scientific articles on the journal's Facebook page, and distribution of the printed version of the journal to leading libraries in Ukraine, among other efforts.

The journal's editorial team encourages you to publicize information about your article on your own academic networks and social media platforms, such as ResearchGate, Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn, and to share the article with your colleagues.

Taking a few simple steps to promote your research can help increase citations and build and strengthen your scientific reputation. Here are some suggestions:

  1. Share your article on social media platforms like Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, etc.
  2. Send the link to your article to colleagues in your field.
  3. Create or update your profile on academic platforms for exchanging research, such as SciProfiles, ResearchGate, Academia.edu, Google Scholar, and Mendeley, and add an extended abstract or the full text of your article.
  4. Include a DOI link to your article in your email signature.
  5. Update your personal and organizational websites with information about the title of your article and a link to it, preferably with a DOI.