The stress state in an elastic body with a rigid inclusion of the shape of three segments broken line under the action of the harmonic oscillation of the longitudinal shift


  • V. G. Popov National university «Odessa Maritime Academy», 65029, Odessa, Didrihsona str., 8
  • O. V. Lytvyn National university «Odessa Maritime Academy», 65029, Odessa, Didrihsona str., 8



There is a thin absolutely rigid inclusion that in a cross-section represents three segments broken line in an infinite elastic medium (matrix) that is in the conditions of antiplane strain. The inclusion is under the action of harmonic shear force Pe^{iwt} along the axis Oz. Under the conditions of the antiplane strain the only one different from 0 z-component of displacement vector W (x; y) satisfies the Helmholtz equation. The inclusion is fully couple with the matrix. The tangential stresses are discontinuous on the inclusion with unknown jumps.

The method of the solution is based on the representation of displacement W (x; y) by discontinuous solutions of the Helmholtz equation. After the satisfaction of the conditions on the inclusion the system of integral equations relatively unknown jumps is obtained. One of the main results is a numerical method for solving the obtained system, which takes into account the singularity of the solution and is based on the use of the special quadrature formulas for singular integrals.

Key words: inclusion, shear force, fixed singularities.

Pages of the article in the issue: 158-161

Language of the article: Ukrainian


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How to Cite

Popov, V. G., & Lytvyn, O. V. (2019). The stress state in an elastic body with a rigid inclusion of the shape of three segments broken line under the action of the harmonic oscillation of the longitudinal shift. Bulletin of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv. Physical and Mathematical Sciences, (1), 158–161.



Differential equations, mathematical physics and mechanics