Limit theorems in the generalized birthday problem


  • Andrii Ilienko National Technical University of Ukraine "Igor Sikorsky Kiev Polytechnic Institute"
  • Viktoriia Stamatiieva National Technical University of Ukraine "Igor Sikorsky Kiev Polytechnic Institute"



generalized birthday problem, random point measures, vague convergence, poissonization, Poisson point processes


In the authors' previous papers (Ilienko, 2019) and (Ilienko & Stamatiieva, 2021), a novel approach to the classical coupon collector's and birthday problems was introduced, based on the theory of random point measures and their vague convergence. In this paper, we further develop this approach using the birthday problem as a case study, and apply it to establish new limit theorems for a range of nontrivial characteristics of the model. More specifically, we define a point process on a metric space consisting of a countable number of copies of the real line. The atoms of this process correspond to the arrival times of new objects. Owing to the structure of the constructed process, each atom is naturally associated with an integer that indicates the number of times an object of that class has arrived. We demonstrate that, as the number of classes tends to infinity, these processes converge vaguely to a certain Poisson point process on the same space. The application of the continuous mapping theorem to the proven convergence further yields distributional limit theorems for various characteristics of the model. The essentially infinite-dimensional nature of the involved point processes leads to corresponding infinite-dimensional limit theorems for these characteristics, fully revealing their asymptotic structure.


Pages of the article in the issue: 14 - 19

Language of the article: Ukrainian English


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How to Cite

Ilienko, A., & Stamatiieva, V. (2025). Limit theorems in the generalized birthday problem. Bulletin of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv. Physical and Mathematical Sciences, 79(2), 14–19.



Algebra, Geometry and Probability Theory