Reeb graph of the height function on a planar polygon




Morse function, topological structure, trapezoidal map, rectilinear graph


Height functions, which are Morse functions of the general position, are often used when studying the structure of manifolds. The structure of such functions is described using the Reeb graph. On two-dimensional oriented closed manifolds, as well as on compact domains with a smooth boundary, the Reeb graph is a complete topological invariant of a simple Morse function. Its vertices have degree 1 if the vertex corresponds to a local extremum, or 3 if the vertex corresponds to a saddle critical point. For the height function on a polygon, we consider a Reeb graph whose vertices coincide with the vertices of the polygon. In this case, in addition to vertices of degrees 1 and 3, the Reeb graph will also have vertices of degree 2, which correspond to the regular vertices of the polygon. We show that the Reeb graph of a polygon can be constructed in a time no less than O(n log n), which is the best possible for many computational geometry problems. In addition, the Reeb graph can be embedded as a rectilinear graph in a polygon. This allows you to construct a division of a polygon into monotone polygons with their subsequent triangulation. We have also established the connection between the Reeb graph of the polygon and the Reeb graph of the height function on the smoothed axis 3D thickening, which opens up the possibility of using these structures to build the skeleton of 3D models with its further use in computer graphics. We give an example of constructing a Reeb graph using the process of planar sweeping with a straight line and subsequent triangulation of a polygon. The obtained results can also be used to study the properties of Reeb graphs of combinations of polygons in three-dimensional space. It is also promising to find all possible Reeb graphs of polygons with a small number of vertices.

Pages of the article in the issue: 54 - 58

Language of the article: English


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How to Cite

Tereshchenko, V., & Prishlyak, O. (2025). Reeb graph of the height function on a planar polygon. Bulletin of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv. Physical and Mathematical Sciences, 79(2), 54–58.



Computer Science and Informatics