Leveraging K8s to implement PARKS.NET





cloud technologies, distributed computing, PARCS, Kubernetes


An approach to implementing PARCS (Parallel Asynchronous Recursive Control System) based on the Kubernetes container orchestration technology is presented. Its automated deployment is then exemplified by employing Microsoft Azure, a platform providing a managed solution for the technology’s infrastructure. Finally, the system is utilized to tackle an applicable mathematical problem, demonstrating the proposed framework's ease of use, speed, and effectiveness.

Pages of the article in the issue: 41 - 48

Language of the article: English


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How to Cite

Bohusevych, O., & Derevianchenko, O. (2025). Leveraging K8s to implement PARKS.NET. Bulletin of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv. Physical and Mathematical Sciences, 79(2), 41–48. https://doi.org/10.17721/1812-5409.2024/2.7



Computer Science and Informatics