Application of the finite element-differences method for modeling of filtration processes


  • M. V. Lubkov Poltava Gravimetrical Observatory of NASU, 36015, Poltava, Myasoedova st., 27/29



We consider modeling and geophysical interpretation of the obtained results in the oil and gas production problems. For solving these practical problems, we use combined finite element-differences method of resolving piezoconductivity problem with calculation of heterogeneous filtration parameters distribution of oil and gas productive reservoirs and oil-gas penetration conditions in the borders of the reservoirs. At that, we consider the main factors, which influence on the intensity of filtration processes near oil production well and gas production well respectively. These factors are important for effective supporting in practice high level of the oil and gas production. On the base of computer modeling, we have showed that intensity of filtration process near the acting oil and gas production wells mainly depends on oil phase and respectively gas phase permeability, as in close zone of well acting so in remote zone. The viscosity and reservoir porosity parameters in close and remote zones of the well action have little direct effect on filtration process near the acting well. However, these parameters can influence on the filtration process implicitly via direct acting on the respective phase permeability. We also have carried out analysis of the pumping well influence on the filtration process near production well in different practical cases.

Key words: computer modeling, oil and gas producing, combined finite element-differences method.

Pages of the article in the issue: 114-117

Language of the article: Ukrainian


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How to Cite

Lubkov, M. V. (2019). Application of the finite element-differences method for modeling of filtration processes. Bulletin of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv. Physical and Mathematical Sciences, (1), 114–117.



Differential equations, mathematical physics and mechanics