Effect of smoothing of a finite wedge-shaped object on the scattering characteristics of a plane wave. Part І. Solution construction





method of partial regions, plane wave, point wise conjugation of fields, Helmholtz equation, boundary conditions


The purpose of this work is to construct a numerical analytical solution to the problem of plane wave scattering on a model in the form of a finite wedge-shaped object with a smoothed surface. Such an object is a simplified model of an airplane wing profile. The obtained solution will make it possible to evaluate the influence of the smoothing radius and the conductivity of the smoothing surface on the dispersion characteristics of a plane harmonic wave. This article is the first part of this work. It discusses the method of partial regions, thanks to which it is possible to construct an analytical solution. The peculiarities of applying the method of partial regions specifically to this model of the object are indicated, the application of point wise conjugation of fields on the boundaries of partial regions is considered.

Pages of the article in the issue: 29 - 32

Language of the article: Ukrainian English


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How to Cite

Lebedyeva, I., Grinchenko, V., & Matsypura, V. (2025). Effect of smoothing of a finite wedge-shaped object on the scattering characteristics of a plane wave. Part І. Solution construction. Bulletin of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv. Physical and Mathematical Sciences, 79(2), 29–32. https://doi.org/10.17721/1812-5409.2024/2.5



Differential equations, mathematical physics and mechanics