Incidence and reflection of Coriolis-dispersed harmonic waves at the boundary of an elastic half-space




incidence and reflection of waves, Coriolis forces, Snell’s law, BAW gyroscope


In the modern inertial sensors based on the bulk acoustic waves propagation, the change of the polari­za­ti­on vector through a certain finite length of the waveguide, is proposed to determine the angular velocity. It is caused by Coriolis dispersion due to the action of the inertial forces of rotational motion. Among the important issues of calculation of reflected and refracted waves in rotational motion, one can mention joined wave­gui­des, reflec­tion from a non-orthogonal boundary, etc. So, the problem of the incidence and ref­lec­tion of Coriolis- dispersed harmonic waves on the surface of an elastic half-space at an arbitrary angle of pro­pagation plays the key role. Research in this regard besides the study of the effect of Coriolis dis­per­si­on in reflected waves, includes also piezoelectric and thermal material properties of waveguides. In the ma­thematical modelling the authors of [6] consider the general solutions for mechanical and electrical quan­tities in the some way as in the non-rotating classical case of elastodynamics and thermo­electrelasticity.

In our opinion, the general solutions for incident and reflected waves should be built on the basis of fun­da­­mental solutions for quasi-longitudinal and quasi-transverse waves, propagating in the unbounded ro­ta­ting medium. In the statement of the problem, it should be assumed in advance, that the incident and ref­lec­ted waves are formed by two coupled components of displacements, that is, such waves have elliptical polarization.

Pages of the article in the issue: 86 - 90

Language of the article: Ukrainian


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How to Cite

Ulitko, I., Boryseiko, O., Lebedeva, I., & Kurylko, O. (2024). Incidence and reflection of Coriolis-dispersed harmonic waves at the boundary of an elastic half-space. Bulletin of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv. Physical and Mathematical Sciences, 78(1), 86–90.



Differential equations, mathematical physics and mechanics