Transformer model using dependency tree for paraphrase identification




natural language processing, paraphrase identification, machine learning, dependency tree, Transformer architecture


Models to represent the semantics of natural language words, sentences, and texts are key in computational linguistics and artificial intelligence. Using quality vector representations of words has revolutionized approaches to natural language processing and analysis since words are the foundation of language. The study of vector representations of sentences is also critical because they aim to capture the semantics and meanings of sentences. Improving these representations helps understand the text at a deeper level and solve various tasks. The article is devoted to solving the problem of identifying paraphrases using models based on the Transformer architecture. These models have demonstrated high efficiency in various tasks. It was investigated that their accuracy can be improved by enriching the model with additional information. Using syntactic information such as part-of-speech tags or linguistic structures can improve the model's understanding of context and sentence structure. Enriching the model this way allows you to gain a broader context and improve adaptability and performance in different natural language processing tasks, making it more versatile for different applications. As a result, a model based on the Transformer architecture using a dependency tree was proposed. Its effectiveness compared to other models of the same architecture was investigated using the task of identifying paraphrases. Improvements in accuracy and completeness over the original model (DeBERTa) were demonstrated. In the future, it is advisable to study the use of this model for other applied tasks (such as plagiarism checking and determining the author's style) and in evaluating other graph structures for sentence representation (for example, AMR graph).

Pages of the article in the issue: 154 - 159

Language of the article: Ukrainian


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How to Cite

Vrublevskyi, V. (2024). Transformer model using dependency tree for paraphrase identification. Bulletin of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv. Physical and Mathematical Sciences, 78(1), 154–159.



Computer Science and Informatics