Packet quantization of the electromagnetic field using elementary wave packets as basis functions




photon, spatial localization, elementary wave packets, Planck's formula


The possibility of positional localization of a photon in space is shown. The proposed technique is based on the use of operators for the creation and destruction of photon packets and corresponding wave packets. As the latter, an orthonormal series of elementary wave packets (EWP), proposed in 2009 to describe, in particular, femtosecond optical pulses, was used. The electromagnetic structure of photons and the formula for their energy have been obtained. The latter depends on the ratio of the order of the EWP function n to the duration of the photon pulse τ. Therefore, the structure of a photon at a fixed energy can be different, in particular, at n ≫ 1, it turns into an ordinary harmonic signal. The results were used to write down a modified formula for the thermal radiation of an absolutely black body - Planck's formula.

Pages of the article in the issue: 96 - 99

Language of the article: English


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How to Cite

Ovechko, V. (2025). Packet quantization of the electromagnetic field using elementary wave packets as basis functions. Bulletin of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv. Physical and Mathematical Sciences, 79(2), 96–99.



Modern Physics