Calculation of the input laser pulse radius's impact on stimulated Raman scattering under self-focusing conditions




stimulated Raman scattering, self-focusing, ”absolute saturation” effect


This study focuses on investigating stimulated Raman scattering under self-focusing conditions and the impact of other parameters on its efficacy.  Contrary to expectations, the efficiency of stimulated Raman scattering could discontinue to increase, and may rather start to decline when the input radiation power grows, because of the "absolute saturation" effect. The paper investigates the influence of this effect under self-focusing conditions using the example of a ruby laser in toluene. Calculations are given in order to characterize the indicated phenomenon based on power and Stokes component. The approaches for mitigating the impact of the "absolute saturation" effect on the process by increasing the initial radius of the incoming laser beam are being examined. A software product was developed using the Wolfram Mathematica program to enable calculations for each unique scenario. This software helps in selecting the settings to achieve the optimal parameters to ensure the highest efficiency of Raman scattering.

Pages of the article in the issue: 169 - 172

Language of the article: English


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How to Cite

Mokhonko О., & Ivanisic, A. (2024). Calculation of the input laser pulse radius’s impact on stimulated Raman scattering under self-focusing conditions. Bulletin of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv. Physical and Mathematical Sciences, 78(1), 169–172.



Modern Physics