Using combinations of two options of wave fields conjugation in the method of partial domains


  • O. V. Boryseiko Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv
  • V. O. Husak Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv
  • V. T. Matsypura Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv



acoustic loads, supersonic jet, launch facilities, semiempirical technique


The paper investigates the possibility of using combinations of two options of wave fields conjugation (the conjugation by points and the root mean square approximation) in the method of partial domains using the example of solving the problem of piston radiation in a finite wedge-shaped waveguide. It is shown that the option of using the root mean square approximation is the best, while the use of the conjugation by points of fields generally simplifies the calculation of the problem. The choice of the required calculation combination depends on the problem under consideration, and it is possible that the combined calculation option may lead to a better solution to the problem in terms of fulfilling the law of energy conservation or field conjugation conditions.

Pages of the article in the issue: 88 - 91

Language of the article: Ukrainian


GRINCHENKO V.T., VOVK I.V., MATSYPURA V.T. (2018) Acoustic wave problems. New York: Begell House. 439 p.

GRINCHENKO V.T., HUSAK V.O., MATSYPURA V.T. (2021, 2(136)) Vykorystannia dvokh variantiv spriazhennia khvylovykh poliv v metodi chastkovykh oblastei. Zhurnal obchysliuvalnoi ta prykladnoi matematyky. 5-16 p.




How to Cite

Boryseiko, O. V., Husak, V. O., & Matsypura, V. T. (2023). Using combinations of two options of wave fields conjugation in the method of partial domains. Bulletin of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv. Physical and Mathematical Sciences, (2), 88–91.



Differential equations, mathematical physics and mechanics