Investigating the effect of Non-uniform voids on the final strength of engineered porous materials


  • E. Kavian Faculty of Engineering, Islamic Azad University of Najafabad Isfahan, Iran, Isfahan, Najadabad, Daneshgah blvd
  • S. H. Dibajian Faculty of Engineering, Islamic Azad University of Najafabad Isfahan, Iran, Isfahan, Najadabad, Daneshgah blvd



One way to identify porous materials is to use multi-scale analysis, and the relationships currently available for multi-scale analysis are limited to mean stress and strain values. These relationships have a great error in calculating the fracture strength of materials. It should be noted that in multi-scale methods, quantities of normal mean values are usually used to calculate macro properties, while concepts such as fracture and fatigue cannot be explained by such quantities. Since the amount of stress in different portions of porous materials is not the same, this study uses statistics and probability to better understand the stress. For this purpose, the stress histogram of the porous materials is firstly investigated. According to the obtained histogram, the probability density function was calculated for it. Finally, the effect of location uniformity and cavity size on the probability density function of porous materials is investigated.

Key words: porous material, Non-uniform voids, multi-scale analysis.

Pages of the article in the issue: 70-73

Language of the article: English


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How to Cite

Kavian, E., & Dibajian, S. H. (2019). Investigating the effect of Non-uniform voids on the final strength of engineered porous materials. Bulletin of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv. Physical and Mathematical Sciences, (1), 70–73.



Differential equations, mathematical physics and mechanics