Control and diagnosis methods for the information system of the enterprise on the principle of adaptive accumulation of diagnostic information




The paper proposes a methodology for building an effective system of self-diagnostics of information systems on the example of Ukrainian enterprises in the metallurgical, energy and chemical industries.

The article shows that if the dependence of the probability of issuing information on the time of execution of the element of elementary checks is known, it is enough to carry out checks within a predetermined time, when a given probability value is given.

It is investigated that in the information system of the enterprise the self-control organized by means of elementary checks occurs at arbitrary moments of time of functioning of modules on purpose and the relation of probability of delivery of the information which occurs by comparison of deviations from average values.

Criteria for the adequacy of diagnostic information in the absence of restrictions on the implementation of basic tests and in the presence of restrictions on the implementation of basic tests.

Key words: functional stability, diagnosis, adaptive diagnosis, sufficiency of diagnostic information.

Pages of the article in the issue: 69 - 78

Language of the article: Ukrainian


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How to Cite

Sobchuk, V. V., Barabash, O. V., Musienko, A. P., & Kapustian, O. A. (2020). Control and diagnosis methods for the information system of the enterprise on the principle of adaptive accumulation of diagnostic information. Bulletin of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv. Physical and Mathematical Sciences, (4), 69–78.



Computer Science and Informatics